As an established Realtor looking to continue expanding your business, you want to take advantage of the opportunities that arise to create excellent value for your clients! While many Realtors do try to manage their own Charleston property management wing on top of their daily responsibilities, the hectic schedule of a Realtor could benefit from a relationship with a property manager!
Over the years, you'll see that finding a high-quality, independent property management company—and participating in a referral relationship—may be one of the best ways to gain trust, provide high-quality service, and maintain excellent accountability.
If you've been wondering about the answer to the question in today's title, we're excited to tell you more about our Realtor Referral Program—and how it benefits top Realtors in the Charleston area!
Referrals Versus In-House
There's an apparent 'conflict of interest' that your real estate clients may notice when you choose to offer your own Charleston property management service:
- If you pass the new property owners off to the in-house property management branch, they assume that this was a required move on your part.
- If they have a negative experience, it is frustrating for you: you've lost some credibility even though your own work was on solid ground.
Choosing to refer your clients to Charleston property management outside of your company is a valuable option.
- When you refer business to a totally different company, your clients know that you are putting your stamp of approval on their services.
- You believe they offer a valuable service, and you gain credibility when the property management services turn out to be an excellent addition to your client's portfolio.
- This boosts your reputation both as someone who knows this local area well—and as someone who has the answers when clients need them.
Accountability With Trust-Building
Even when you are participating in a designated referral program, there's a measure of accountability with an outside property management company.
- Imagine that one of your clients has a poor experience with the property manager.
- They come to you and describe what happened, and you can tell them that you are going to look into it, and if necessary, change your referral to a different company.
- You can't do this with an in-house department without throwing colleagues under the bus!
- Working with Charleston property management outside of your brokerage allows you to fix mistakes—and focus on what you do best!
Over the years, a great relationship with a property management company like Charleston Property Company will deepen. Rather than worrying that there is something wrong with the company, you'll know exactly who to call to get things resolved for your clients. In this triangle, the investment property owner has two positive advocates. As a result, they trust both their real estate agent and their property manager to look out for their financial future.
Be Known for Relationships That Last
- In a community, long-term growth will always depend on your relationships and your reputation.
- For major life choices, like purchasing a home or an investment property, being known for sustaining long-term relationships with excellent service can be the key to consistent property referrals.
- When your clients are happy with their property and its management, they are more likely to come back to you to purchase the next property.
- By making yourself indispensable in the community, the leads for potential sales come to you—rather than you having to chase after them.
- Doing a higher volume of business is possible when people know and want to work with you from the beginning!
Help Clients Know Their Home Will Be Treated With Care
One major source of value when you work with Charleston property management is the homeowner who opts to rent their property while away for a year or two; they love the property—but they also want to make a reasonable return off the choice to rent the property out.
- Knowing a high-quality property management company to which you can refer them is essentially safeguarding the home that you worked to find together.
- If they come back to their home and find that it is well cared for, they are left trusting their real estate agent and the property management investment.
- This is a support for the long-term growth of your business: word spreads in a town like Charleston about how good you were for them—and they also keep you in mind if they opt to purchase an investment property in the future.
If you have yet to experience the benefits of partnering with a reliable property management firm, we'd love to show you the benefits of our Realtor Referral Program! We believe you'll love the service we provide for your clients, and you'll see returns from our relationship long-term. We even offer a goodwill compensation bonus for Realtors who give us the opportunity to show their clients excellent service.